Thursday, March 27, 2014

This Ain't Hell... member comments (like you really need to see those here...)


It appears that the terrorists at TAH have already been exposed by other people.
Here is a link I was furnished by an anonymous viewer.
Caution I have NO IDEA if any of this is true but it does fit somewhat with their demonstrated behaviors towards me and others I have observed.

 Furthermore their extreme hatred against me and others demonstrates their own projection of self loathing/hate and the links below show this to be evident.

Here is also a legal issue against The lead Terrorists at TAH.  He committed perjury about his ill health to get out of answering for his lies in court.

 He was served a restraining order and had all his guns taken from him by the police.

This group at TAH are, as suspected a bunch of mentally ill abusers that need medication and help and should be prayed for.


Its amazing to watch a group feed on its self.  One tells a lie prompting another to lie and so on.

With nothing real to report on me they continue to write fiction in hopes of causing me more grief.
What they didn't count on are the people that know me and the facts of my life; reporting to me on their activities and in turn reporting to their friends on their blogs across the nation that has resulted in a massive decline in respect for TAH members and their blogs.

You would think that a site that purports to out liars would be careful to not lie themselves into a hole they cannot get out of yet...well, their work speaks for its self.  Too bad their so-called "investigators" can't find this out before they are kicked out of their own social circles.(American Legion and so on)

Brandon was able in 1min and 17 seconds to verify my police service through TCLOE in Austin, TX yet TAH claims I was never a cop because THEY cannot independently verify it.

DB Cooper was able in 13 min and 3 seconds to verify I was retired twice from CAP and issued I.D. cards to that fact yet TAH claims I was never a Lt.Col. because THEY cannot independently verify it.

Darcey L. pointed out that since I was asked repeatedly about being in the USAF and my replies were always no, (their own stolen photo of me from my FB page shows this as well) that it is TAH that claims I am a USAF Lt.Col. and not me.

Thanks Darcey, I had hoped someone would notice that little fact .

I was able to go to the FAA website in just under 1 second to see my FAA Commercial Pilot and Instrument instructor licenses but TAH claims I was never a pilot because THEY cannot independently verify it...

 and the lists go on and on.
These fools are truly morons!

They are idiots led by idiots and followed by idiots with way too much time on their hands.

On this Memorial day the disgraced cadre members of TAH now claim (like this is a new tactic) the only visitors to my blog are them.

That is mathematically impossible being there are only 7 that have been ragging on me continually. According to them, you must assume they each are viewing my blog entries over 1142 times each and from 11 different countries.

Once again changing REAL facts to make up lies in fostering their agendas. So far NOTHING they have presented is real.

They are like drug abusers trying to increase their fix each time they shoot-up with more outrageous lies and claims then pat each-other on their backs claiming how great their "investigative reporting" is.

United States 6402
United Kingdom 63
Germany 52
Romania 35
France 22
Dominican Republic 20
Czech Republic 10
China 9
Australia 9
Netherlands 7
Afghanistan 6
Japan 5

Their approach to defamation of the target is to do the following:

They make a false claim they think no one can disprove against a target.  When irrefutable proof is presented, they then claim they never "... said they doubted it...", however they present more slanderous claims demanding you answer those. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

A tactics called diversion and deflection.

Repeatedly they insist I have deleted things from my blog.  Lilyea was seen deleting entries all the time in April. If that were true it is my right to do so however I have instructed them to look in the "comments of the cadre" section after I move things from this location but they are just to mentally incompetent to remember that or to just simply look or use the search bar.
Cadre comments

Should people of such a low I.Q. be trusted with damaging people's reputations just because they don't like or respect someone?  Most normal folks say no and ALL of my visitors that are "NOT CADRE" members agree.

In answer to R.K.... yes they did go after me because of what happened almost 11 years ago and no, nothing was going on after that.  Hughes was pissed (being the narcissistic bitch he is) that I thought three stores of his were interesting that I posted on a FB page.
Just like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz he said "...I'll get you and your FB page too!"

There is never an end to their crap.  They are out of control on a one-way trip that will result in criminal convictions of harassment and stalking; civil convictions for slander and defamation.

They think because things don't happen at the snap of THEIR fingers that NOTHING ever will.

Many criminals think the same way and all of those are in prison and penniless.  Even if they were to beat the rap with money and expensive lawyers they will not beat the ride.

On Tuesday I will have an update from NRH and TXDPS on the progress of my criminal charges againt the cadre.

When I have their names from the John Doe warrants served at Hughes and Lilyea's internet providers, I will post complete and detailed histories of each person, complete with criminal wanted posters that I will pay for persons to distribute at each cadre members home town area.

When I finish their backgrounds I will post the results on a new page on my blog and I will mail to each cadre members families those wanted posters, criminal histories and military records.   I will also contact their employers and local law enforcements officials including local newspapers and other media in the area.

Enjoy your memorial day peeps I am going to follow through like you asked me to.


I just read the latest installment of excrement from TAH and I must say they have finally lost it.
How is it that I can leave my blog alone for days at a time yet they claim I am deleting things from my site "... at an alarming rate"?

They post lie after lie and no one holds their feet to the fire yet they are after internet “liars” of military service?

Terrorists, simply terrorists.  They say things, do things to invoke reactions such a bewilderment, job loss, disdain, humiliation for their own purposes and enjoyment...terrorists.
Every post I have made is the truth, every documents posted is real and ANYONE with a goddamn brain can verify them yet these idiots cannot find one god damn document on their own.

Their incompetence is at such a grand scale they should all be taken out and SH%$%##**&*$(  so they cannot go on to contaminate the rest of the world with their moronic buffoonery. 

Folks these fools are the same fools that hunt so-called fakes.  From now on EVERY ONE THEY EXPOSE IS TO BE DOUBTED. 


They are a disgrace to mankind everywhere!

Another Lie of theirs busted wide open.

What is it with you jerks on being retired from CAP?
The ID cards from CAP say retired so what's the deal???

You don't like it so you go on a 73 post rampage?? 
And you think I'm the one with a reality problem?????

Like I said, you are the biggest collection of retards and morons in the world ignoring facts a 3rd grader could understand!
If you can't get something this simple and easily provable (even by your lazy-ass standards) down, why the hell would ANYONE trust your abilities to verify a real vet???

(this will be move to the "comments of the cadre" in a few days so don't have a bowel emergency like you did when I moved the others)
The only statement the cadre has made that I agree with is “…The mission is ALWAYS bigger than the person…”

No humility huh?.....
When you went after the members of the guard (folks that never did ANYTHING against you) because you hated me and wanted to harm me (which is a chicken-shit cowards way of not dealing with the situation) I resigned to protect them from YOU!

Folks (people that continue to make nice comments in favor of my situation) I am begging you all, PLEASE let me post your letters and comments about these terrorists.  They just don’t get it and never will.
I know they will assault you like they did Linda (rest in peace), DB and the Prof. but they need to know it is THEM that need an attitude adjustment.
Take a stand folks!

Back to the jerks of the cadre....
However you got the letter of my discharge, that is NOT public information and you broke 2 state of Texas laws posting that.  An investigation is underway to reveal who did it and they as well as you will have an additional charge to the stalking and harassment added to your indictments.

To reveal in the demise of a man for a vendetta is the indication of a sick mind. (V-for vendetta)

Seems I was lied to again this time by my own Col Palmer.
Sent me an email dated the 5th of  May saying my status wasn't determined and then I get a letter dated the 3rd saying otherwise and for what?
Because of the past that has no bearing on my work performance?
Because I didn't kiss your ass?
Because you had a fit and demanded I be kicked out because of your madeup bullshit?
Because a Bipolar ex lied about me?
Screw you and the rest of you.
Let's see you dodge the criminal complaint.
And Col. Palmer, do you think the AG will like the fact you posted a private administrative file letter to the goddamn world?

That's just fine.
Enjoy your bullshit victory you have some things coming your way you will not be happy about.

Here is an example of real evidence.
Your claim I was kicked out of the guard....
Here is proof I am not kicked out of the guard.

You are wasting mine and everyone else's time with your bullshit.
Put up or shut up

Proof is not your bullshit "analysis"

OMG you are pissing me off.
I want some proof with those bullshit allegations of yours.
Its real damn simple.
YOUR CLAIM                                      PROOF
side by side.
Its your ONLY chance in getting me to see what you are saying.
But we all know you will not do this because you CAN'T do this.
You have no proof of anything except your own bullshit conjecture
Do it like that somewhere and send me to that link, until them you are all a bunch of liars, criminals, fakes, stalkers and abusers and you are all going to jail for the stalking, harassment, and attacks to me and my family.

Case assigned to NRH PD CPT. Scott 817-427-7038 Criminal Investigation division

More crap….
thebesig says:
“…Actually, this is a case where we consistently ask questions, and you consistently refuse to answer them. In addition to consistently refusing to answer our questions, you throw red herrings and straw men at us… then claim that you answered our questions. We’ve responded by consistently holding our feet to the fire with regards to answering our questions.
You refuse to answer our questions truthfully and factually, because you know that the correct answers destroy your entire argument. They also destroy your persona and the value you place on it.”

You don’t ask me anything.  You make up statements that are lies and demeaning then demand an answer that no one could possibly answer without looking like a fool.  An example is like this:

“Have you stopped having sex with chickens?”
 Any answer to this it will have damning results: Either you did and don’t anymore or you still DO!

When you actually ask me a real question I answer them every single time.

Also, it is customary when accusing someone, to provide the proof then, not come up with it later (3 months later to be exact). 

To date, I have only had 2 questions asked of me on my blog.  On the TAH site I have had 5 questions that when you didn’t like the answer you went on a diatribe about claiming your "proof" will be displayed when you are damn good and ready. -WOW

But they demand apologies for my claimed actions.  Here is the latest demand:

thebesig says Toasty Coastie recommended a course of action from you, she didn’t demand that you take a course of action. She recommended a way for you to compensate for two main errors that you’ve committed… you wronged the veteran community as well as your ex-wives.
In fact, you had the propensity to assault your wives repeatedly in cases you could get away with it. You’ve hurt these women both physically and emotionally. They at least deserve an apology.
Your contributions to a VSO and to a women’s shelter would be a visible way for you to show that you have humility, and that you want to correct some wrongs. These are just recommendations, not demands. Which option you choose tells us volumes about who you are.

On to the first demand for an the veteran community…I didn’t steal any valor or do anything that requires I do any such apology.  On the contrary, it was you that had to make Scotty’s bitching legit, so you took an issue that was answered and dealt with in early 2000 and expand it as if it were occurring today and then it was also you that alerted everyone in the goddamn world about it.

You have openly sought after and made contact with as many people and employers you could to spread your vile crap about me.

You published very private letters that had nothing to do with stolen valor between my son and I for no other purpose but to devastate me and him.

You took photos of people I work with and trained and called them all fakes, losers, and liars. You and you alone have hurt innocents just because I know them.

That is the act of a terrorist and a coward.

I am the one deserving the apology but since you are a collective of unemployed borderline personality disorders and narcissists, I will not hold my breath for that.

Ok, so let’s address the biggest complaint I have with this, the claim I assaulted my ex-wives.  There are NO reports in the criminal world OR the civil world (known as liars courts) nor are there ANY mentions in the divorces petitions, decrees or amendments.  With all those opportunities to make those claims then and they didn’t, what the hell are you going on to make these absurd allegations/accusations?

Oh that’s right…a bipolar in her mania phase (these can last as long as over 2 years) without medication.

I have NEVER hit or emotionally abused ANY woman.  They have physically hit and cheated on me, stolen from me and that IS documented in the divorce petitions and in criminal reports.

How do you explain that? Well?
The reason they (as you claim it) said these things (I still say it’s all coming from Dora) is because they lost THEIR credibility for being caught doing those things, so when they heard of a place to rag on me in hopes to regain that lost credibility and invoke some good ‘ole revenge, they took it.  It’s a trademark of a passive-aggressive personality trait.

Do you see why I have a problem believing a damn thing she or you say because of her?

And yet you demand an apology from me? You need some education on how to deal with people.
 “If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.” -Niccolo Machiavelli

As Dog and Chip said on the TAH blog on how he wishes to see me dead…
“Just an Old Dog says:
This is the way it will end. After two days of not showing up at his night shift security job or leaving his squalid hotel room the hotel manager will do a welfare check.
Upon opening the door of Denny’s Room a sickening stench will hit him. They will find the stiff bloated remains of Dennis H Chevaliar sliding off the commode, where he had a massive heart attack trying to squeeze out an impacted terd that resulted from his eating of cheese. They will roll him into a tarp and cart him off to the county morgue.
The deputies will box up his fat boy clothing, phony uniforms and binders with his “certifications”. Finally some distant relative will arange for him to be cremated and put in a cheap plot somewhere. His property will go unclaimed for 2 years, then all his fake awards, uniforms and medals will be tossed in the trash.
·         ChipNASA says:
A fitting end for a worthless turd.”

Yet the besig goes on to threaten me with a collection of lies from my ex’s he will post for all future women to see…
“... This interview, that I’ll be posting, will be a copy and paste of what Dora Lee and others have already said about you. That’s not fictional.
I’ll package these women’s statements into a “TV interview format” so that future women could get information about what kind of man you are… in one entertaining package. “

You are out of control and must be shut down…truly, most people are killed for committing what you have done to me publicly. Check any newspaper or TV news broadcast.  Thousands are killed every day for a tenth of what you have done to me yet because I am NOT a violent man, I will let the courts deal with your sorry ass! 

I told you before throughout the many months of this hell shit you have put me through and I will say it again.


This is no stolen valor issue, and its no 1st amendment issue, this is liable and slander as well as an open invitation for murder by the mental defectives that read your tripe.


Jonn, Scotty and the cadre are still lying about my being kicked out of the Guard.  I can’t imagine why they are doing this…oh wait YES I CAN!  It’s ANOTHER LIE (imagine that).  My C.O. today 4/30/2014 1217 hrs.tells me that I am still in and they are insane to believe they direct what happens in the Guard (paraphrased).

and look, they are going to "interview" the psychotic bipolar, this will be great bitch fiction !
This has been going on since February 17, 2014 24/7. For an act that was admitted to during early 2000 for which it was addressed then.  It is here again because of demented behaviors and conduct of borderline personality disorder people known as the cadre of This Ain’t hell.

Why on earth are they doing all this for a a few email signatures? Well they had their asses handed to them by me not kissing their ass that's why!

I hope that everyone following this blog can now see they ask and then answer their own twisted questions then act as though it comes from the target of the attack and then blasts them.  They call and harass the targets employers forcing them to dump that employee so they are left out of the situation and then they continue until the final act of extortion is complete.

As you can see below, this hour, its to force payment to a VSO then to apologize for everything claimed by the cadre (it makes no difference if everything is made up or not, you MUST bend your knee and kiss the ring (in this case, their ass) of these control freaks or continue to suffer their constant, non-stop attacks) .

They will attempt to force employers to fire you, friends to denounce you, family to distance them from you, and finally to commit suicide like they did to two others as outlined in the article below by John DeMayo January 24, 2014.

These are terrorists. There is no other way to explain or describe what they have done to me and others. They are all criminals and have no moral compass or ability to exhibit any form of self-control as exampled by their continual cursing and threats.

While criminal charges have been filed against these people, their cowardice by hiding behind fake names on blog sites and using fake names to police agencies and others when perjuring /making their “claims” against the target, makes it difficult but not impossible to apprehend them and make them pay for what they have done.

Workloads of the police agencies dictate the speed in which intervention can occur however, their day is coming.

I have been able to maintain my relationships with family and friends, clients, and others because of my fast and decisive actions to limit their contact with those persons by not allowing them access to them through Facebook and other social media outlets.  But there has been fallout from their actions and for that, the appropriate agencies have been contacted and actions taken.

For now, it is a wait and see event.  They will continue to make entries in their blogs to keep my name high in search results to inflict the maximum damage they can before ordered by courts to stop.

As for me, the same axiom used for belief in a greater good, applies to me.

For those that know me and believe me, no additional proof is needed, for those that refuse to accept facts and common sense, no proof will ever be enough.

Jonn sends his best and claims I was canned from the Guard yet my C.O. says otherwise...

Just another lie to add to the pile of lies from these fools.

4/28/2014 1129 hrs. The cyber terrorists ( of “This Ain’t Hell” will be formally charged with crimes against a person and forced to appear in a criminal court for their acts against Dennis H. Chevalier in Tarrant County.


I wish to thank all of you for the display of absurdity, stalking, harassment, cruelness, lies, manipulation and deceit you have displayed for the last 3 months concerning me and my life.

Some were on the fence with your creditability but not anymore.

I have never committed any illegal acts toward my ex-wives, children, work, hobbies, education and well everything else.

You ask and then answer your own questions then proceed as if they came from me, making more accusations, demanding proof that you refuse to accept, then call and lie to officials in police departments, the USAF personnel office and the state guard.

Without realizing it you have so far broke 7 misdemeanor laws in Texas and 2 federal ones.

As they prepare John Doe warrants to be served at Lilyea and Hughes’ home/computers to force the identification of the list members, I hope you remember one thing.
You did this to yourselves.

Did you really think the JAG would sit still for calling the entire command of the guard fakes? Reference Frank and SJ on FB and here)

Did you really think the Chief of police of Wilmer would smile kindly on you for lying about what he said about me? (Reference Toasty Coasty and the others)

Or that the FBI would allow hacking of of my son’s email or ANYONE’S email and then re post it? WOW that was a stellar moment for you GDC. You unzipped your fly in front of the FBI.

The best part was the extortion acts you demonstrated here in 4 places that in exchange for my confession to every bullshit claim you made up here, that you would stop making more and that you would only stop if that happened. Never mind it was an outright lie on your part as the stories here were fiction generated by you and your cadre.

Yes that one really amazed the investigators.

“Yup, occurred across state lines, on communication lines regulated by the FCC for the purpose of extortion to force actions and conduct designed to humiliate, control, and malign a person without their consent for a protracted time as to cause financial and physical harm and induce/create expenses related to that harm for self-protection that was implied or real or both”.
Oh Jonn, since you claim running this blog and your merry band of misfits, that makes you a co-conspirator to commit extortion along with Scotty.

The best is for last.
Since you make money with your blog with adds and what-not, that brings in a RICO charge.
Good luck defending yourself against all of this. Even if you beat the rap, you would beat the ride… and its related expenses.

Scotty I am sure they will sweep up your old room at the grey bar inn and reintroduce you to Bubba. I’m sure you will get along swimmingly

Now bugger off!

Demand for the news broadcasts of the day I was injured are hard to come by.  Its even harder when the technology of the day coupled with the amount of time passage.
Below you see one of 5 emails I received stating that very thing.

GDC sends his love again with more snide comments about using a company computer to send harassment to me.  One HUGE difference is I own the company I work for using cellular hotspots to utilize the internet wherever my teams go.
Dora is using her employers systems and time they paid for her to work for THEM to send her hate spew towards me. It makes no difference if she is using her own phone.
She is about to lose her job AGAIN! DUUUUUUUU

The Cadre of TAH would have you believe because only two were defending me on their site that no one is a friend of mine or believes me or knows me.

They saw what you did to those two (yes David and Linda are real people I work with and are friends with.) and expressed fear of retaliation by (TAH)  with lies about them and interfering in their own life if they defend me publicly.

This is what happens when you allow personal attacks in a public forum with no moderation or rules enforced.  Their is no safety for the public to come in and say what they know if it is in favor of the accused.

Coop and Linda came in anyway and you called them sock-puppets.  Like I have said again and again.  No proof can EVER be good enough when you have already delivered a guilty verdict before any resemblance of a fair trial.

Hiding behind fake names shows only one thing...cowardice and it tells the world you can't risk exposing your criminal history and lack of military service/experience.

Is cowardice what men and women of honor covet these days?  Man-up and show your true selves, else go back to your mothers basement and jerk off but leave the world to those of us that have stepped up for those that cannot help themselves.

Most of the cadre of TAH have never been a meat-shield.  I have.

 Some of the intelligent members of TAH are starting to ask for forgiveness...

But some...not so much....

That was colorful....
And others trying to pull a fast one

This is typical of their method of making claims against others and not telling the truth.  He said I ran...BULLSHIT.
If I had seen it I would have engaged him in a conversation.  
Just typical.

and some that outright make no sense whatsoever

 Your merry band of military rejects and misfits is the biggest bunch of hypocrites and liars on the internet under the mistaken belief that you are the only ones that KNOW truth.
And you did not use your real name
My God man you are psychotic!

Frank/C2/ Jay
That FB page was my first learning experience in layout under the new FB format; Roger made the template and got me started, that’s all.

Mr. Blue, 
You have seen the posted videos from YouTube and the others you seek are also there (the same TV stations.  I no longer have copies of those videos because they were on VHS cassettes and were worn-out (approx..20 years of use) in my classes showing them.  They (TV news stations) no longer provide such links because they offer a PAID service to obtain copies for people that wish to have those stories. See their own emails to me here 

When I discovered YouTube, I posted the remaining videos I had that still had some visual and audio viewable and posted them so they would always be available.

The same applies to newspapers on stories over 20 years old.

I did check last Friday how much it would be to obtain the videos of my shooting (and there are three stories on it) and their quote was over $550.00 and I just can’t afford it.

Maybe glory-hoers like yourself rush-out the day they are in the news (if you ever could do something that gets noticed) and make copies and postings but for the rest of us regular Joe's, we just go back to work asap.
I know why you make false claims since I proved all the claims from your cadre were lies.

You make false claims against the accused so you don’t have to spend any of your own money and do an actual investigation by making the poor target of your terrorism do it for you. Then when you can't prove your initial case you go on divergent tangents praying to find something you canuse to rehabilitate your destroyed character.

 If it stopped there that would almost be worth the expense but then you claim it’s fake or altered just like my civil filling I posted so what’s the use?

Mr. Blue are you so inept that you can't figure out where everything is?  (rhetorical question) <eyes rolling> 

Still more examples of the blind leading the blind

 Anyone that wants a fast action to occur over ANYTHING other than a murder does a civil filing first.

When you file a criminal complaint over something like this, its always put on the back burner for higher priority cases.  Once started, by the time it makes it to court can be years.

A civil proceeding/filing can obtain results almost immediately.  As well as costing significantly cheaper in the long run, a civil matter can enforce restraints immediately whereas a criminal case can take years.
When he confessed to me there seemed no reason to proceed with the criminal case.
Lesson learned.

More attacks on my dead mother

And some are working on their "insanity" defense strategy for what they did to me on their blog.  Right Jonn Lilyea? (see below for the latest bullshit claim against me by TAH)

They admit their so-called evidence in their possession that they said "...will produce in their own good time..." (GDContractor 2014) doesn't exist.

On 04APR2014 their arrogance really came through with them (TAH) ordering ME to stop attacking them...WOW

Scotty A. Hughes (the convict) calling me without honor

Now TAH claims they will commit extortion against me unless I admit I did the claims they have made else they will continue to stalk, terrorize me and all those connected with me.

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