Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The law suit proof

The law Suit papers are from:
Justice of the Peace, Pct. 6
Southwest Sub-Courthouse
6551 Granbury Rd.
Fort Worth, Texas 76133
I called and talked to "Tammy" at 0920 hrs on 26MAR2014.  She has to order those documents from central storage and the estimate is 1 week remaining.

I have requested everything in their file.
She said when it comes in, she will call me to come and pick them up and pay the fees.

As for the "Unserved" statement on the receipt, there are two possible explanations:
#1. The respondent was called and he willing came to the S.O. to pick them up.
#2. A private process server did the delivery and as such the LEO of that county is required to say "unserved" which mean unserved by the Sheriff's office.


When the case file arrives, I will video tape the arrival in the reading room detailing the opening of the envelope and show the documents (if they allow me to come in with a video camera) so you can see that nothing has been altered.
Then I will scan the documents and post them here for all to see and compare.
When this is complete, I have answered EVERY complaint made against me with proof a 3rd grader can understand.

Here is what I want:
1. A written apology from TAH and Scotty Hughes that is posted where they had their blogs about me.
What I expect to happen:
2. They will claim it was altered from the aliens of planet Z and no "FACT" will deter them from making a fool of themselves!

I hope #2 doesn't happen but considering all the crap they caused and the rejection of visual proof provided that anyone can verify...well...let's just see.

Law Suit PAPERS are in.  (See below)



  1. Please make sense and explain your question.

    1. they can't Denny and that's why they will never be anything of importance except a doorstop!

    2. Really…???

      Are you so deluded that you need for me and others to spell out why I need an apology from the likes of you?

      You have hounded me on the Internet, called my friends and family with your hate filled lies, posted wanted poster all over the Internet and real world, hurt my son and violated his privacy, caused me financial lose, estranged me from my Guard family and placed me in real danger of death.

      You wanted to claim it as a 1st amendment issue but the law says otherwise and now on the eve of the last set of papers to be posted that proves every issue you charged/claimed I did is to be proved false you have the balls to dare ask me why?

      Why don’t you come to my hotel right now Jay and I will show you “why”. Huh?
      I’ll tell you why, it because you and the others are cowards!

    3. Mr. Brown (if that really IS your name) when I say "YOU" I mean TAH and since YOU are from TAH you get to wear the award of harasser. stalker, abuser, etc.

      However if you wish to separate yourself from TAH by all means do so here right now and I will not include you in any further generalizations.

      Stop cursing me though!

    4. Jay, those "1700 posts" are from your cadre not me filled with violent content, threats, and taunts. The generalizing is mostly coming from your brothers on TAH and the conjecture comes from them as well. An example was from GD Contractor..." I am a commercial instrument/instructor" GD Contractor-"...EMBELLISHER! You are a GROUND instructor."
      WHO THE HELL TALKS LIKE THAT? I didn't say I was a flight instructor!

      I am an instructor the only time it needs to be defined to specifics is when describing a service or selling a service or when asked.
      There are TWO types of instructors in the FAA...a FLIGHT instructor and a GROUND instructor why the hell am I an embellished if I say INSTRUCTOR? It’s a general term darn it and I am sick to death of you POGS basing your accusations on such crap.

      This is the crap your fools base your attacks on. Everyone talks in generality unless asked to be specific.

      How would you like it if asked did you go to the bathroom and take care of business? And you say yes and some asshole yells out EMBELLISHER -you peed only!

      So seeing what it is you guys do to a human to grandize your attacks to make them more than they are you bet your ass I am no longer a fan of TAH or Scotty.
      This is exactly why TAH cannot be taken seriously because they embellish the so-called violations and make wanted posters that contain false accusations even when (in your words) I was proved to be a Lt. Col in CAP, A Pilot, A S.W.A.T. Lt. in police service and so on, they still contain those false accusations about me.

      And when I post the law suit declaration the same damn thing will happen...NOTHING!
      Facts are completely ill-relevant in TAH's pursuit of slander and defamation.

      On a seperate note I have made a manual for exposing real fake soilders that will garner real credibility and can be used in a criminal court if need be to prevent screwing over others like me that crazy ex-wives and others that have an axe to grind that take everything out of contaxt to bolster their attack on the unwilling.

      And what the hell did Scotty "find-out" of what I was doing except praising the man?

      Please enlighten me and the rest of the world in plain language.

      I showed you he admitted to the attack (in his own words on TAH with a screen capture) on me for posting three of his links on my page and that he is a convicted thief.

      Last I checked I have never been convicted from a felony theft by check scheme...yeah real honorable guy!

    5. the reply to this is on the next page of this blog entitles :BROWN GOES DOWN in flames
