Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This Ain't Hell... The play by play

This is tiresome, repeating the same thing, again and again.
Your latest claim is I never answered any of your charges…if you can read this, you have answers before your eyes.
The claims against me by TAH are contained below in the photo to wit: the cadre of TAH says they never claimed....I know I'm getting dizzy dealing with these rejects of society,
Make sure you look at the end of this post to see TAH's response to all the facts.

1st Charge by TAH: Claims to be a CAP Lt. Col. See ID’s from CAP

2nd charge by TAH: Claims to be a USAF Lt. Col. –Your blog shows me to say “no” everywhere and on the FB photo too (see below)!  You say I claimed to be a C130 Pilot and flew in Iraq but no proof is found anywhere except by a hacked letter by Parker….
3rd charge by TAH: Claims to be a pilot – I am a commercial instrument instructor with over 2000 flight hours see FAA credentials below.
4th Charge by TAH: Claims to be a Stolen Valor Hunter –See FB site AND private investigators license to do those investigations (unlike you) and Letter from Don Shipley stating I provide support in doing those investigations to him.
Sure looks like I was doing those to me (and the rest of the world too)

Those were the original claims in the beginning…then you added more:
But the most significant was the issue of me being hacked in early 2000 with manufactured documents by J. Parker that included USAF, C130’s, Iraq and much much more.
I provided the Suit information:
Which you say is “B.S.”, the case papers show:
1. The original filing
2. The service of process and the return of service to Parker and later with his confession and then my withdrawal of the suit in exchange for his “cooperation” to remove said documents; there it is.

You should be happy right? But oh no…you HAD to keep it going with lots of diversions but the most notable are below.

Diversion #1 -You claimed I was never a cop or SWAT or a Lieutenant so I produced my TCOLE records, LT. I.D., and SWAT news articles of me

Diversion #2  You claimed I made a fake DD214 – I never did or say I did.  I made a document that outlined my service in the Civil Air Patrol and I called it a “Modified dd214 for civil air patrol”.
On this document is nothing but civil air patrol awards, ribbons, assignments and rank.
You want it to be the smoking gun because it has a pay grade on it yet in CAP on our emergency services card is says “PAY GRADE” and that is where our rank goes.

I shouldn’t have to point this out but nowhere on that document does it say USAF.

Diversion #3 –You claimed I beat and tried to kill my ex-wives…:
To this I offered the following and more importantly you didn’t offer any police reports or medical reports of injuries or, well ANYTHING!
Diversion #4 –You claimed all of my degrees are fake:
Dora made this claim and you all chimed in…cut her some slack, she is mentally unbalanced.

She says they are all fake, and then she says they aren’t.
The facts behind this are these:

Diversion #5 – You asked me to believe that Scotty has integrity and would never bring about such claims if they weren’t true.
To that I answered with the following:
His real reason for attacking me was said on your blog in his own words:
Your man of “Integrity is a thief that was arrested and charged with a Felony and then convicted.  He plea-bargained it down like a good convict.
And has been implicated in a death because of his stalking and terrorism of a PTSD veteran.

The article can be found here:

Diversion #6 –You hacked my sons email account and posted a private letter written in anger guided by my ex-wife Dora and then when it was removed by him (my son Bryan) you re posted the cached version of it. Although a little confusion was had by my son on what to do, he has filed with the FBI.

My Son Bryan and I fishing at Joe Pool lake expressing how we feel over what Dora has said and did
 After all of this (4 charges and 6+ diversions by you) and every one of them answered with empirical evidence you still have a problem with me? You don't believe your own eyes? Your own research (if you did any)?

I have done everything humanly possible to straighten this out.  You and your cadre are beyond reason and are still festering in the mob-like mentality of a hate group.

This is not in any form, a 1st amendment issue, this is slander and terrorism and this tactic has led to deaths across this nation. You are promoting the death of people by terrorism.  Where is your honor now?

In your postings and contacts you have maligned the good name of the Texas State Guard, the USAF Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol, my family, friends, co-workers, superiors, ex’s (yes them too) and me, all in the name of ignorance and hatred.

You have lied to my superiors about me, tried to get me terminated, placed wanted posters just begging some nut-job to act on it and kill me and yet you don't the balls to shed your fake on-line persona's and identify who you really are with verifiable credentials.

My profile was dead-on for Mr. Hughes so I can only imagine what kind of scum-bags you really are.
I'm laughing at your so-called honor and veteran status because you have none and aren't.

I know how this goes from here on.
I have written many profiles of deviants like yourselves and saw them bear the fruits of their design.

It doesn't take a profiler to know what comes next...you will continue to post fake documents, lie about me to anyone that will listen and claim its all in the name of the first amendment but laws are catching up with the internet and you will be stopped.

But until then you will be a source; a lab if you will, for others to study on how to De-evolve from society.

On March 25, 2014 I saw this on their blog stating they are shutting it down.  Jonn's headache I think, was the nightmare of my posting the papers of the law suit proving EVERYTHING they claimed was a lie.
So far, through in all of Scotty's and Jonn's blogs, I haven't seen any other "Phoney Soldier" postings  closed for "headaches".


  1. Read the very first Photo that Jonn displayed it says I "claimed" to be a CAP Lt.Col.
    You need to be more detail orientated.

    The lawsuit wasn't about a hacked letter, it was about hacking and posted manufactured documents all over the web INCLUDING letters and entries into databases.

    1. Do you remember Occam's Razor?

      The Cadre was hitting hard and fast with ridiculous claims filled with cursing, vile slander, and threats.

      Then TAH changed its blog entry style confusing everyone on the site.

      I was answering questions as fast as I could and apparently on the wrong threads as indicated by several of your cadre.

      But don't let little things called "facts" get in your way of the truth...

      What you cannot debate are the merits of the Parker case.
      How is it that I would have a law suit for hacking/slander and false document production over the web against a man for the very thing you are claiming in present day if it weren't true?

      The answer is simple (remember Occam's Razor)
      Its because I did sue him
      He was served and
      He called me asking what his options were (general meaning) I said remove them and he did, so we settled out of court.

      What is really disturbing is how you continually re-invent the circumstances surrounding this event. It has deep reaches into sever psychosis and delusional behaviors.

      Occam's (or Ockham's) razor is a principle attributed to the 14th century logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham. Ockham was the village in the English county of Surrey where he was born.

      The principle states that "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily." Sometimes it is quoted in one of its original Latin forms to give it an air of authenticity:

      "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate"
      "Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora"
      "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"

      In fact, only the first two of these forms appear in his surviving works and the third was written by a later scholar. William used the principle to justify many conclusions, including the statement that "God's existence cannot be deduced by reason alone." That one didn't make him very popular with the Pope.

      Many scientists have adopted or reinvented Occam's Razor, as in Leibniz's "identity of observables" and Isaac Newton stated the rule: "We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances."

      The most useful statement of the principle for scientists is
      "when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."

      If you want to claim that I lied as the simplest explanation (short answers aren't simple answers) then you have to explain the benefit toward me for that lie(s).

      If on the other hand I say its because of Parker actually DOING it (and was caught then acquiesced to avoid the expense of litigation), that is much easier to understand and provable.

  2. I read they are part of the American Legion and their goal is to intimidate anyone that dares to defy them.
    TAH has a long history (since 2006) of breaking every rule of law and the constitution. Their lawyer is being indicted on several ethics and criminal law violations.

  3. Please send me that proof or evidence on that. You can send it to my private email addy like you sent Hughes CCH.

  4. Chevy I would like to speak to you about these terrorists and "honorable" people. I too have come across this Scotty character in reference to a buddy of mine.

  5. Chevy, I wouldnt mind at all talking to you about these people these terrorists in my mind also. I too came across these dipshits for a buddy of mine not too long ago these so called heros and guardians.

  6. TAH people make me sick but yes chevy I would like to speak to you and thank god you stood up to these animals
